The Shoveler

Why I get so steamed.

Monday, November 20, 2006

The Early Spring. I Mean, Fall

Stay to the side, bubbo.

First of all, what's the deal with blogger and it's incessant attack on my patience? The frickin' italicized button is all screwed up. And I am too lazy to do this in HTML, so I will deal.

Bicyclists. Or is it just cyclists? Either way, I wish there was some mandatory rundown of proper bicycle law and procedure. There are so many times where "kewl kidz" on Peugeots have zero concern for common sense traffic law that I want to start handing out "You Should Not Have Pedals" pamphlets.

There are several things that utterly destroy my serenity:
  • When someone rides their bike on the sidewalk. It's called "sidewalk." Not "sidepedal" or "path for things with attached water bottles." Take it to the street. This is especially for those Lance Armstrongs out there who feel the need to take it to high gear on the paths around campus.
  • If you do ride in the street, which you should, those big red, octagonal things are called "stop signs." Those are there for you too, so take a breather and stop whipping across the street without even pausing.
  • Once you dismount, please roll down your pant leg. Unless you're worried about that getting stuck in the vending machine when you get your Gardetto's.


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